февраля 8, 2017

Николай Ильин

Точка зрения Николая Ильина

Я слышал, что Николай Владимирович Ильин по-доброму относится к русским журналистам. Был очень приятно удивлен его отзывчивостью и быстротой ответов. Мне было неловко задавать много вопросов, неловко (хотя и в меньшей степени) за свой английский. Успокаивало одно: и вопросы и ответы – понятны без переводчика. На вопросы о современном искусстве, русских художниках и духовной полноценности отвечает потомок русских эмигрантов первой волны, один из ведущих мировых специалистов по музейному проектированию и прочая, прочая, прочая - Николай Владимирович Ильин.


- What do you think: the modern art is serious business? There are risks. Can be more reliable to be engaged in the checked affairs? To sell Van Gogh or Picasso?

- Modern art is a serious 60 billion dollars a year business.


- Why almost none of modern Russian artists achieved success in the world? Or I am mistaken? What can you tell about it?

- Bulatov, Kabakov, AES+F, Bruskin, Komar & Melamid, Chubarov, Chernysheva, Recycle are successful artists who are well known and highly rated outside Russia. Younger ones have problems because the Russian gallery scene is far underdeveloped compared to western standards and far too little information is available in English since most people do not understand Russia.


- If we pass into the area of spiritual. The need for art at people whether it that we observe cultural crisis is what is it? possible?

- Art, visual & performing as well as music, is a most necessary ingredient in children’s and young people’s education. Unfortunately most education systems neglect this and parents are mostly overwhelmed. A human being needs food for the soul & the imagination in order to stimulate morals, energy and behavior and art & culture are well equipped to provide this.


Вопросы: Алексей Шульгин.
